

Rachael Champion makes site-specific artworks that explore the physical, material, and historical relationships between ecology, industry,
and the built environment. Coalescing at an intersection between biology, geology, and architecture, her work addresses the corporeality
of the materials we extract, transform, and consume and how these actions affect the physical characteristics of landscapes and ecosystems. 

Born 1982 Long Island, New York, USA
Lives and works between London and Margate, UK
Represented by Hales Gallery London / New York

Current: Artist in Residence - Imperial College Healthcare Trust - 2023 - 2024

Seed, Station Hill, Reading in collaboration with Jonathan Trayte and Futurecity - Permanent
ANCHOR Centre Courtyards Commission, NHS Grampian Hospital Arts Trust - Permanent
Plot 6 Silverthorne Lane, Bristol in collaboration with Jonathan Trayte and Ginkgo Projects - Permanent

Commissioned work:
Remembering Giants, Clarendon Development, London Borough of Haringey, St William, Dallas-Pierce- Quintero, 8/23 - permanent
Hand Earth Gesture Return, Pangaea Sculptors Centre, Coventry Canal Basin, 6/22
Fluvial Aura, Permanent Wet Room, Madley Collection, 3/21
Temporary Retention Site for Atmospheric Particles, Nightingales Corner public art programme, Modus-Operandi, Berkeley Square,
Mayfair, London, Autumn 2020 - Spring 2021 - Canary Wharf, Montgomery Square, 4/21 - 2022
Course and Flow, Clarendon Development, London Borough of Haringey, St William, Dallas-Pierce- Quintero, 10/20 - permanent
Tower of Varieties, Hippodrome 120 Sculpture Commission - Birmingham Hippodrome, 10/19 - semi permanent
Tropospheric Terrestrial Bodies, Bluebell Lodge, Hospital Rooms, 7/18
Thriving in the Extreme, a collaboration with Patrick Furness, Life at the Edges, Science Gallery Dublin, 21/6/18 
Places of Holes, a site- specific installation in the Turraun Wetlands, Lough Boora, Offaly, Ireland - 10/17
Discoverers of Onkalo, Zabludowicz Collection, Sarvisalo Finland, permanent, completion - 6/17
New Spring Gardens, Nine Elms on the South Bank, Vauxhall, 5/16 – 6/16
Raze Bloom, Burlington Gardens Festival, The Royal Academy of Art, London, 7/15
Crinoidea Characteristics, Wirksworth Festival 2014, National Stone Centre, Derbyshire, 9/14
Forced Landscape, Wirksworth Festival 2013, National Stone Centre, Derbyshire, 9/13
Dual Spectrum Subsistence, Modern Art Oxford, The Yard, Oxford, 6/12 - 9/12
The Ornithopter Garden, Camden Arts Centre, Artist in Residence, 4/12 - 6/12
Cultivation Field, Reading, The Keep, Reading, 6/12
Economies of Scale, Bold Tendencies 5, Peckham, London SE15 4ST, 6/11 - 9/11
Carrying Capacity, The Shape We’re In, Zabludowicz Collection London, 3/11 - 6/11
Old Growth, EAF 06, Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY, 9/06 - 3/07

Solo Exhibitions:
Interstate 495 is a Terminal Moraine, Hales Project Room New York 9/18 - Kellenberg Gallery, Molloy College 4/19
Plough Layer, Source Rupture, Art Basel Hong Kong, 2015, 3/15
Primary Producers, Hales Gallery, London, 6/14 
Chemical Weathering, Horatio Jr., 66 Canon Beck Road, 6/13 - 7/13
Municipal Sustainable, Zabludowicz Collection London, 7/12 - 8/12  
Implications for Productivity, The Old Police Station, Deptford, 12/10
Harvest, Copenhagen Place, inaugural exhibition, 86 Copenhagen Place, 11/10

Group Exhibitions:
Holding Space, Hospital Rooms, Hauser and Wirth London, August 2023
Salad, with Jonathan Trayte, Ramsay & Williams, Margate, August 2023
Hand, Earth, Gesture, Return, Pangaea Sculptors’ Centre, Coventry Canal Basin, 6/22
Silt, Brighton CCA, 10/21
A Raw Garden with Pinch Projects, Fitzrovia Gallery, 6/19
The Waiting Room, Wimbledon Space, London 10/18
Life at the Edges, Science Gallery Dublin, 6/18
London Open , Whitechapel Gallery, London 6/18
Ad Hoc - SWAP, Castor Projects, London, 3/17
Table, Tannery Projects, London, 6/16
Rachael Champion, Agnes Denes, Rachel Pimm, Hales Gallery, London, 10/15
10 One Night Stands, Maciej Urbanek with Rachael Champion, London, 7/15
Graphics Interchange Format, Focal Point Gallery, Southend-On-Sea, 7/15
Architecture of Enjoyment, Fokidos 21, Marcelle Joseph Projects, Athens Greece, 10/14
Trade, Castor Projects, London, 9/14
Half Words, Pebble Dashing: a performance, Enclave, Deptford, London, 4/13 
Hold The Fort, Fort, London, 5/13
London Art Now, Armsden, Lodge Park, Gloucestershire, 9/12 - 10/12
This This Monster This Thing, Focal Point Gallery, Southend-On-Sea, 4/12 - 6/12
The Red Mansion, Chelsea School of Art, 2/11
Royal Academy Schools Show, Royal Academy of Arts 2010, 6/10
Paper City, Urban Utopias, Royal Academy of Arts / Blue Print Magazine, 7/09 - 10/09 
Pick n Mix, Derelict Woolworth’s, Leytonstone Arts Trail, 7/09
Premiums, Royal Academy of Arts, 2/09
Mapping Divergence, Rag Factory, London Henage Street, 10/08
Three large Works and Two Tubes, English Kills Gallery Brooklyn, NY, 9/07

SECCADS, South East Creatives - Business Support Grant, Bright Island Studios, Thanet, 2020
Fall Artist in Residence, Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, Omaha, NE, USA, 2018
STEP Travel Grant for Places of Holes, European Cultural Foundation / Compagnia di San Paolo, 2017
Creative Offaly Community Grant, Creative Ireland,  Pullough, IE, 2017
Honoree Artist, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Gala, 2016
The Arts Foundation Award, Sculpture, 2013
Camden Arts Centre, Artist in Residence, April – June 2012
Red Mansion Prize July/Aug 2010
Distinction for dissertation, The Mechanical Nature 2010
Sculpture Award, Royal Academy Schools 2010
EAF 06, Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY, 2006

Public Programming / Creative Workshops:
Transitional Waters, Screenology, Bristol, Gingko Projects, 11/23
Fragment Workshop, Daimler Powerhouse, Coventry, Pangaea Sculptors Centre, 4/22
Expanding Dialogues, Brighton CCA in collaboration with Brighton School of Engineering, 2020 - 2021
Acousmatic Matter, Sound and Object workshop, Brighton University School of Engineering, 10/21
Lviv Sculpture Camp, Invited artist and jury member, Ukraine, 6/19
Interspecies Intimacy, a screening of works by Karen Kramer, Sonia Levy, and Carolee Schneemann, Goldsmiths University, 4/19
Clay and Collage Workshop, Bluebell Lodge NHS Trust, Hospital Rooms, 6/18
Disseminating Onkalo, a mystery play in collaboration with johnmichael Rossi, Zabludowicz Collection, Sarvisalo Finland 6/18
Architecture for Non-Humans, Goldsmiths Allotment, Goldsmiths University, 2/18
Bog Cultures - Climate Science, Conservation, and Contemporary Art in the Bog, Pullough. Co. Offaly, Ireland, 10/17
Visiting Artist at Bournemouth University, Camberwell College of Arts, Kingston University London, and the Delfina Foundation, 2015 - present
Scenography Tutor and Technician, Dept. of Theatre and Performance, Goldsmiths University of London, 2014 - present
Cultures of Nature, BA fine art symposium, Bournemouth University, 2016
O, an event discussing the Spherical, Biological, and Oxygenated, Hales Gallery, 12/15
Ideas for Experiments, with Judith Brocklehurst, Art Education - Camden Arts Centre, 2014 - 2016
Sensations of Nature: a workshop inspired by the exhibition A View from a Window Shelagh Wakely, Camden Arts Centre - 2014
In conversation with Andy Littler, Mineral Engineer, Wirksworth Festival, 9/13
In conversation with Graham Dorrington, Relating to Nature, Fallible Machines, Camden Arts Centre 6/12
Landfill, Interactive workshop, Camden Arts Centre, 6/12
Snythia, Art, Philosophy, Blood, Synthetic Life, an Enactment in the Dark, Prof. Johnny Golding, Camden Arts Centre, 4/12
Wild Space, Interactive workshop, Camden Arts Centre, 4/12
Presenter for Cultivation Field Symposium, Redding University, 9/11
Cob Oven, Kentish Town City Farm, 176 Zabludowcz Collection, 4/11

Publications / Press:
100 Sculptors of Tomorrow, Kurt Beers, Thames & Hudson, 9/19
London Open: a snapshot of the artistic zeitgeist, Financial Times, Rachel Spence, 8/18
The Mutants We Will BecomeFrieze Magazine, Chris Fite-Wassilak, issue 182, 10/16
Pseudo Nature, Journal of Arts Writing by Students, Hattie Moore, 5/16
Regenerated Landscapes, Ambit Magazine, Issue 225, 5/16
Art and Life, Frieze on-line, Ellen Mara De Wachter, 4/16
Thirteen Artists you should fall in love with this Spring, Huffington Post, 3/16/15
Contemporary Arts Society, Rachael Champion, Primary Producers at Hales Gallery, Caroline Douglas, London 6/14
Sculpture Now, World of Art, Nature and Ecology, Thames and Hudson publishers, 2013
The Ornithopter Garden, File note, Camden Arts Centre, Kate Corder, 2012
Rachael Champion, Modern Art Oxford, Guardian Guide, 11/8/12
Where are they now? RA Magazine, Summer 2011
Rachael Champion and Feng Shui, The Shape We’re In, Zabludowicz Collection, Matthew Drage 2011